ERS Railways is member of the Hupac Group Hupac

General information and adjustments as of 01.07.2022

News for our customers


As announced in our customer writing of 06 May 2022, the following significant changes will be introduced with effect from rail dispatch date 01 July 2022:


1. Termination of the ENERGY surcharge TRUCK in the amount of EUR 25.00 / cntr.

The adjustments of the diesel floater of 7% for Q2 2022 goes to more than 20% for Q3 2022 according to BGL specifications.

However, as we had temporarily introduced the above-mentioned ENERGY surcharge TRUCK in the amount of EUR 25.00 / cntr in Q2, we will offset this "down payment" accordingly and set the diesel floater from 20% to only 15% for the truck share of the CT-transports. This offsetting will apply to the Intermodal shipments in Q3 and will cease accordingly at the beginning of the 4th quarter of 2022.


2. The Transport Terms and Conditions have been adjusted due to the enormous increase in energy costs and will apply accordingly from 01.07.2022. You can find the transport conditions on this page in the bottom right corner.


3. RAIL related costs changes as follows:

A.  In accordance with the German legislation, the EEG cost will no longer apply from 01.07.2022 and will therefore be set at EUR 0 ct/kWh.

B. As informed, we will introduce an ENERGY Floater RAIL for the main rail run as from 01.07.2022. 

Level 18 will be applied here. You can see the specific values per TEU and corridor in this document. The ENERGY surcharge RAIL of EUR 3.00 / TEU will expire by the end of June until further information.


All relevant documents can be found on this page in the Downloads section. Here you will find background information and details as well as information about the calculation of the specific energy surcharges per TEU and corridor.

ERS Railways GmbH
Burchardstrasse 17
D-20095 Hamburg
Tel. +49 40 7566870
Fax +49 40 756687101


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ERS Railways is member
of the Hupac Group



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